Home for the Holidays When You’re a New Amputee

Posted on: December 13th, 2016 by FloydBrace Blogger

There may be no place like home for the holidays, but if you’re a recent amputee, you may be anxious about what your next gathering will be like. This can be especially true if you’ll be seeing family for the first time since receiving your prosthesis. Floyd Brace Orthotic and Prosthetics would like to help you prepare with these tips:

  • Rehearse Your Story.


What details do you want to reveal about the circumstances leading up to your amputation? Practice your narrative ahead of time so you can leave out any details that are too personal. Explain it well enough that you don’t have invasive follow-up questions, but vague enough that you can protect your privacy if needed. Try to anticipate any additional inquiries people may have, and prepare your answer.


  • It’s Okay Not to Answer.


If you have that one aunt or uncle who’s just a little too inquisitive, it’s okay to give them a firm but kind “No.” For those questions you’re not comfortable with, you can answer with, “I’m not getting into that,” or “Let’s not go there.”


  • Stay Active.


Many family gatherings involve some kind of physical activity that allows members to interact with each other. If that is no longer possible for you, find a different activity that will allow you to have the same quality time. This could be a board game, decorating cookies or perusing through old photo albums.


  • Enjoy Alone Time.

You may have traveled a long way to see your relatives, but remember, you’re also on another journey—that of healing and recovery. Whether you need to get away to rest, readjust your prosthesis or just escape the emotional overload, it’s okay to excuse yourself to a quiet room for some time alone.


  • Be Transparent with the Host.


If you need an additional accommodations, make sure you communicate those with the host ahead of time. It’s okay to ask for a real bed instead of the couch or air mattress. If you need to bring a shower chair, ask for their bathtub’s dimensions, to make sure yours will fit.


Being surrounded by people who love and care about you can go a long way towards helping you recover from your amputation. Use this time to reconnect, and don’t let what happened to you stand in the way of enjoying the holiday season. At Floyd Brace Orthotic and Prosthetics, we’d love to help you during your recovery process. Make an appointment today and see what we can do for you!

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