4 Things to Consider When You’re a Pregnant Amputee

Posted on: July 23rd, 2017 by FloydBrace Blogger

Having a baby is an exciting time in any woman’s life, but if you’re an amputee, you could face some additional challenges. Luckily, with proper planning, you can continue to live a healthy, active life throughout your pregnancy. Floyd Brace Orthotics and Prosthetics offers these 4 things to consider when you’re a pregnant amputee:

  • Prosthesis Fit.

This is perhaps the biggest challenge pregnant amputees face! A woman’s weight will change drastically throughout her pregnancy, and as we all know, weight fluctuation does affect how your prosthesis fits.

While you will need to visit your prosthetist to have adjustments made, there are a few things you can do to maintain a healthy weight. There’s a popular myth that pregnant women are eating for two; in fact, a woman will only need an additional 300 calories a day to grow her little one!

Another thing to consider is the type of exercise you do. Doing something gentle will fight fatigue, back pain and will help you from gaining too much weight. Activities such as swimming and walking are ideal.

  • Regular Visits.

Since your prosthesis’ fit will change during the pregnancy, make sure that you schedule regular visits with your prosthetist. This is especially true during the second and third trimesters, when you’ll experience more swelling in your limbs. Your prosthetist may even create a temporary socket to accommodate dramatic changes.

If you are an above-the-knee amputee, you will need even more modifications than others. This is due to the presence of more soft tissue in your residual limb.

  • During Labor.

One thing you will need to decide is whether you will wear your prosthesis during labor. Walking a little during the early part of labor can speed up dilation, and it could give you the support you need to bear down while giving birth.

  • After birth.

Your weight will again change drastically after you give birth, especially if you breastfeed! It may be hard to make visits to your prosthetist once you’re caring for a little one, so there may be times when you are using crutches to get around. Invest in a baby sling so you can still carry your baby while using them.


Your amputation does not affect your ability to give birth to a healthy child. While you may face some physical challenges that other women don’t have during pregnancy, that doesn’t change your ability to be a good mom. If you’re pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant, remember to set up an appointment with Floyd Brace Orthotics and Prosthetics to make sure your prosthesis continues to fit as it should!

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